
Table of Contents

  • What is the overview of Rakuten Viber?
  • Who founded Viber Media?
  • When was Rakuten Viber acquired by Rakuten?
  • What platforms is Rakuten Viber accessible on?
  • Which operating systems are supported by Rakuten Viber?
  • How does Rakuten Viber ensure cross-platform functionality?
  • What information is required for user registration on Rakuten Viber?
  • How does Rakuten Viber facilitate desktop accessibility?
  • What are the core features of Rakuten Viber?
  • What types of communication are supported by Rakuten Viber?
  • How does Rakuten Viber facilitate multimedia exchange?
  • What is the Viber Out service?
  • What does the Viber Out service offer?
  • How does Rakuten Viber handle international calling?
  • What is the user base of Rakuten Viber?
  • Where is the corporate headquarters of Rakuten Viber located?
  • In how many international offices does Rakuten Viber operate?
  • How has Rakuten Viber’s user base grown over time?
  • What milestones has Rakuten Viber achieved in terms of user base?
  • How has Rakuten Viber impacted the communication landscape?
  • What was Viber’s early monetization strategy?
  • When did Viber shift its focus towards monetization?
  • What challenges did Viber face in its early monetization efforts?
  • What revenue models did Viber introduce in 2013?
  • What is Viber Out and what does it allow users to do?
  • How did Viber attempt to diversify its revenue streams?
  • Who provided financial backing to Viber in its early years?
  • When did Viber encounter a security breach?
  • Who was responsible for the security breach faced by Viber?
  • How did Viber respond to the security breach?
  • What measures did Viber implement to enhance cybersecurity?
  • How did Viber reassure its users after the security breach?
  • When did Rakuten Viber receive a low score on the EFF’s Secure Messaging Scorecard?
  • What were the concerns highlighted by the EFF’s evaluation of Rakuten Viber?
  • How did Rakuten Viber address the vulnerabilities identified by the EFF?
  • When was end-to-end encryption introduced on Rakuten Viber?
  • What was the purpose of implementing end-to-end encryption?
  • Who conducted the external security audit for Rakuten Viber?
  • What improvements were made to Rakuten Viber’s security after the audit?
  • How did Rakuten Viber enhance transparency regarding its encryption protocol?
  • What recognition did Rakuten Viber receive for its security efforts in 2022?
  • Where does Rakuten Viber have a substantial user base?
  • How many registered users did Viber have as of December 2016?
  • In which regions does Viber have the strongest presence?
  • What is the penetration rate of Viber in the Commonwealth of Independent States?
  • How has Viber’s user base grown in the Asia Pacific region?
  • What percentage of Serbians have Viber installed on their phones?
  • When was Viber first introduced on the iPhone?
  • Which platforms did Viber expand to in May 2012?
  • When did Viber introduce desktop versions for Windows and macOS?
  • What versions of Viber were introduced in June 2016?
  • Which devices were optimized for Viber in 2015?
  • What features were introduced in Viber 2.0?
  • When were stickers introduced to Viber?
  • What was the purpose of the sticker market introduced by Viber?
  • What feature did Viber version 4.0 introduce?
  • How does Viber Out empower users?
  • When did Viber introduce video calling capabilities?
  • What are Public Accounts on Viber?
  • What integration accompanied the introduction of Public Accounts?
  • When were Viber Communities introduced?
  • How does Viber Communities differ from traditional group chats?
  • What feature was introduced in Viber version 5.0?
  • When was group calling introduced on Viber?
  • How does Viber protect user privacy in Communities?
  • What feature was introduced in Viber in October 2020?
  • How does message statistics empower community admins?
  • When did Rakuten Viber acquire Viber Media?
  • What platforms is Rakuten Viber accessible on?
  • How does Rakuten Viber facilitate cross-platform functionality?
  • What is the registration process for Rakuten Viber?
  • What are the core features of Rakuten Viber?
  • How does Rakuten Viber handle multimedia exchange?
  • What service does Rakuten Viber offer for international calling?
  • Where are the corporate headquarters of Rakuten Viber located?
  • In how many international offices does Rakuten Viber operate?
  • What milestones has Rakuten Viber achieved in terms of user base?
  • How did Viber attempt to diversify its revenue streams?
  • Who provided financial backing to Viber in its early years?
  • When did Viber encounter a security breach?
  • How did Rakuten Viber address the vulnerabilities identified by the EFF?
  • What was the purpose of implementing end-to-end encryption on Rakuten Viber?
  • What recognition did Rakuten Viber receive for its security efforts in 2022?
  • Where does Rakuten Viber have a substantial user base?
  • In which regions does Viber have the strongest presence?
  • What is the penetration rate of Viber in the Commonwealth of Independent States?
  • When did Viber introduce desktop versions for Windows and macOS?
  • What feature did Viber version 4.0 introduce?
  • What are Public Accounts on Viber?
  • When were Viber Communities introduced?
  • What feature was introduced in Viber in October 2020?
  • How does Rakuten Viber ensure cross-platform functionality?
  • What are the core features of Rakuten Viber?
  • What service does Rakuten Viber offer for international calling?
  • What milestones has Rakuten Viber achieved in terms of user base?
  • How did Viber attempt to diversify its revenue streams?
  • When did Viber encounter a security breach?
  • What was the purpose of implementing end-to-end encryption on Rakuten Viber?
  • Where does Rakuten Viber have a substantial user base?
  • When were Viber Communities introduced?

Introduction to Viber / Rakuten Viber:

  • Overview of Viber / Rakuten Viber
  • Background and Development
    • Foundation by Viber Media
    • Acquisition by Rakuten

Platform and Accessibility

  • Cross-Platform Functionality
    • Supported Operating Systems
    • Compatibility across Devices
  • User Registration and Identification
    • Cellular Telephone Number
    • Desktop Accessibility

Core Features of Viber / Rakuten Viber

  • Instant Messaging Capabilities
    • Text-based Communication
    • Multimedia Exchange
      • Images
      • Video Records
    • Viber Out Service
      • International Calling Features
      • Paid Service Model

Expansion and User Base

  • Global Presence and Localization
    • Corporate Headquarters
    • International Offices
  • User Adoption and Growth
    • Milestones in User Base
    • Impact on Communication Landscape

Viber or Rakuten Viber, a versatile cross-platform communication tool owned by Rakuten, has undergone significant evolution since its inception. Developed initially by Viber Media in 2010 and later acquired by Rakuten in 2014, it has become a staple in the digital communication landscape.

With its seamless cross-platform functionality, Rakuten Viber ensures users can connect effortlessly across various devices and operating systems. The registration process, requiring only a cellular telephone number, enhances user accessibility. Additionally, desktop accessibility without mobile connectivity caters to diverse user needs.

The core features of  Viber, including instant messaging capabilities and multimedia exchange options, enrich communication experiences. The introduction of Viber Out service further extends its functionality by offering international calling features under a paid service model.

Viber’s global presence is evident through its corporate headquarters in Cyprus and international offices in key global cities. The platform’s remarkable user base growth, surpassing a billion registered users by 2018, underscores its significance in the digital communication sphere.

In conclusion, Viber continues to shape the digital communication landscape with its innovative features, seamless functionality, and expansive global presence. As it facilitates meaningful connections across borders and boundaries, Viber remains a frontrunner in the realm of digital communication platforms.

History of Viber:

Early Monetization (2013):

Navigating Revenue Streams: Viber’s Strategic Shift

In its formative years, Viber faced the challenge of monetization, as the company sought to transform its innovative platform into a sustainable business model. Recognizing the need to diversify revenue streams, Viber strategically shifted its focus towards monetization initiatives in 2013. This marked a pivotal moment in the company’s evolution, as it transitioned from a purely user-centric approach to one that balanced user experience with financial sustainability.

Initial Revenue Challenges: A Prelude to Monetization

The journey towards monetization was not without its challenges. In its initial years, Viber operated on a freemium model, offering core communication services for free while exploring avenues for generating revenue. However, the absence of monetization mechanisms posed a significant hurdle, prompting the company to explore alternative strategies to sustain its operations and fuel future growth.

Viber Out and Sticker Market: Launching Revenue Models

In 2013, Viber introduced two key revenue models: Viber Out and the sticker market. Viber Out allowed users to make voice calls to non-Viber users at competitive rates, expanding the platform’s reach and revenue potential. Meanwhile, the sticker market offered users a range of expressive stickers and emoticons for purchase, providing a new avenue for monetization while enhancing the user experience.

Investment Landscape: Early Financial Backing and Support

Throughout its journey, Viber benefited from strategic investments and financial backing from individual investors. Marco referred to these early investors as “friends and family,” highlighting the close-knit support network that fueled the company’s growth trajectory. This initial investment laid the groundwork for Viber’s expansion and innovation, providing the financial resources necessary to navigate the competitive landscape of the digital communication industry.

Security Breach and Resilience: The Syrian Electronic Army Incident

In July 2013, Viber encountered a significant security breach when its support system was defaced by the Syrian Electronic Army. While the incident raised concerns about user data security and privacy, Viber swiftly responded to reassure users that no sensitive information was compromised. This incident underscored the importance of cybersecurity measures and prompted Viber to reinforce its security protocols to protect user data and maintain trust.

Cybersecurity Challenge: Viber’s Encounter with Threats

The Syrian Electronic Army incident served as a wake-up call for Viber, highlighting the ever-present threat of cyberattacks in the digital landscape. In response, Viber intensified its cybersecurity efforts, implementing robust measures to safeguard user data and infrastructure against potential threats. This proactive approach demonstrated Viber’s commitment to prioritizing user privacy and security in an increasingly interconnected world.

Upholding Integrity: Viber’s Response and User Assurance

Despite the security breach, Viber remained steadfast in its commitment to transparency and integrity. The company promptly notified users about the incident and reassured them of its dedication to protecting their privacy. By maintaining open lines of communication and prioritizing user trust, Viber emerged from the incident with strengthened resilience and a renewed focus on cybersecurity best practices.



Strategic Monetization Shift (2013)

Transitioning towards sustainable business models by diversifying revenue streams, marking a pivotal evolution from a user-centric to a balanced monetization approach.

Initial Monetization Challenges

Encountered difficulties in revenue generation with a freemium model; explored alternative strategies for financial sustainability and growth.

Introduction of Revenue Models

Launched Viber Out for voice calls to non-users at competitive rates and a sticker market for purchasing emoticons, enhancing user experience and opening new monetization avenues.

Investment and Financial Support

Benefited from early investments, primarily from “friends and family,” providing essential resources for expansion and navigating the competitive digital communication landscape.

Security Breach (July 2013)

Faced a major security breach by the Syrian Electronic Army, leading to heightened concerns about user data security but no sensitive information compromise.

Cybersecurity Measures

Strengthened security protocols and implemented robust measures to protect against cyber threats, highlighting the importance of safeguarding user privacy and data.

Integrity and User Trust

Maintained transparency and integrity, promptly informing users about security incidents and reinforcing commitment to user privacy and trust.

Analyzing Market Share:

A Deep Dive into Rakuten Viber's User Landscape


Understanding Market Dynamics: Exploring Rakuten Viber’s User Base

Rakuten Viber, a prominent player in the digital communication sphere, boasts a substantial user base spread across various regions worldwide. With millions of registered and active users, the platform has carved a niche for itself in diverse markets, each characterized by unique preferences and trends. By examining Viber’s market share in different countries and regions, we can gain valuable insights into its global footprint and user engagement strategies.

Global User Base Overview:

Magnitude of Reach: Viber’s Global User Landscape

As of December 2016, Viber boasted a staggering 800 million registered users, solidifying its position as a major player in the messaging app arena. While this figure underscores the platform’s widespread popularity, it’s essential to delve deeper into regional dynamics to grasp the nuances of its market share. Statista reports 260 million monthly active users as of January 2019, with Viber’s stronghold evident in Greece, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and select Asian markets.

Regional Market Insights:

Exploring Key Markets: Viber’s Dominance and Penetration

India emerged as Viber’s largest market in December 2014, boasting 33 million registered users, making it the fifth most popular instant messenger in the country. Similarly, significant user bases were recorded in the United States, Russia, and Brazil, reflecting Viber’s global appeal. Notably, the app garnered substantial traction in Eastern Europe, with Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine emerging as key markets.

Penetration Rates:

Assessing Regional Penetration: CIS, CEE, and North America

By 2018, Viber had achieved over 70 percent penetration rates in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) regions, highlighting its stronghold in these markets. In contrast, North America witnessed a modest 15 percent penetration rate, indicating room for growth and strategic expansion opportunities.

Recent Growth Trends:

Spotlight on Asia Pacific: Viber’s Growing Presence

In 2022, Rakuten Viber reported a significant surge in app users across the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, with the Philippines registering a robust 22 percent increase. This trend underscores Viber’s efforts to tap into burgeoning markets and capitalize on evolving user preferences in the region.

Country-specific Insights:
Examining Key Markets: Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia

Russia stands out as one of Viber’s stronghold markets, surpassing WhatsApp in terms of user adoption. However, the platform faced legal challenges in Russia, exemplified by a hefty fine imposed by a Moscow court for failing to remove certain content deemed illegal by Russian authorities.

In Ukraine, Viber commands a staggering 97.7 percent market share, cementing its position as the country’s preferred messaging app. Recent developments, including the removal of advertising in response to geopolitical events, underscore the platform’s commitment to user-centric values.

Bulgaria witnessed a steady rise in Viber’s market share, reaching an impressive 90 percent in 2021. Similarly, Greece embraced Viber as the top messaging app, with over 90 percent of the population using the platform. Notably, the Municipality of Athens leveraged Viber to enhance citizen engagement and disseminate important information.

Serbia emerged as another key market for Viber, with over 90 percent of Serbians having the app on their phones. This widespread adoption underscores Viber’s appeal and relevance in the region’s digital communication landscape.


Strategic Insights and Future Outlook: Leveraging Market Dynamics

By dissecting Rakuten Viber’s market share across various countries and regions, we gain valuable insights into its global trajectory and user engagement strategies. As the platform continues to navigate evolving market dynamics and geopolitical challenges, strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing user experience and expanding market reach will be pivotal in sustaining its growth momentum.



Market Share

Key Insights


33 million

Largest market as of December 2014, fifth most popular IM in India.

United States

30 million

Significant user base.


28 million

One of the more popular messenger applications. Surpassed WhatsApp in January 2016.


18 million

Substantial user base.

Eastern Europe


Most downloaded messaging app on Android in Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Iraq, Libya, Nepal


Popular in select Asian markets.

CIS and CEE regions

Over 70%

Strong penetration rate.

North America


Lower penetration rate.


22% increase

Recorded robust growth in app users across Asia Pacific (APAC) in 2022.



Most popular messaging app with substantial message volume.



Steadily increasing market share with rising call and message volumes.


Over 90%

Top messaging app in the country. Municipality of Athens launched an official Viber community.


Over 90%

Top messenger app in Serbia.

Enhancing Security Measures:

A Closer Look at Viber / Rakuten Viber's Evolution


Securing Communication: Understanding Viber’s Security Journey

On November 4, 2014, Viber found itself in the spotlight as it scored 1 out of 7 points on the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s “Secure Messaging Scorecard.” The evaluation highlighted areas of concern, particularly regarding encryption, identity verification, and code transparency. While encryption during transit was acknowledged, shortcomings in end-to-end encryption, identity verification, and code review led to a low score. However, the company swiftly responded to address these concerns, leading to subsequent improvements in its security posture.

Initial Security Assessment:

Identifying Vulnerabilities: Challenges in Encryption and Code Transparency

The initial assessment by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) underscored critical vulnerabilities in Rakuten Viber’s security framework. Despite encryption during transit, the absence of end-to-end encryption and open-source code raised concerns about data privacy and integrity. Additionally, the inability to verify contacts’ identities and ensure forward secrecy highlighted gaps in user security and confidentiality.

Response and Improvement:

Addressing Deficiencies: Efforts Towards Enhanced Security

Following the evaluation, Viber / Rakuten Viber embarked on a journey to bolster its security measures. In response to the EFF’s findings, the company underwent an external security audit conducted by Ernst & Young’s Advanced Security Centre. This audit facilitated a comprehensive review of Rakuten Viber’s security protocols, leading to tangible improvements in encryption standards and code transparency.

Introduction of End-to-End Encryption:

Strengthening Data Protection: Implementation of End-to-End Encryption

On April 19, 2016, Rakuten Viber announced a significant milestone with the introduction of end-to-end encryption in version 6.0 of its service. This pivotal step aimed to enhance data protection and privacy for users, ensuring that messages remained secure from interception or unauthorized access. While the encryption protocol initially underwent internal audits, Rakuten Viber committed to commissioning external audits to validate its efficacy and reliability.

Transparency and Protocol Overview:

Building Trust: Communication on Encryption Protocol

In May 2016, Rakuten Viber took proactive steps to enhance transparency by publishing an overview of its encryption protocol. The company provided insights into its custom implementation, emphasizing alignment with established security standards such as the Signal Protocol. This initiative aimed to foster trust and confidence among users by offering greater visibility into the platform’s security architecture and practices.

Recognition of Security Excellence:

Validation and Accreditation: Rakuten Viber’s Security Award

In 2022, Rakuten Viber’s commitment to security excellence was recognized with a prestigious Security Award by, a reputable tech firm based in Germany. With over 3 million Viber users in Germany alone, this accolade underscored the platform’s effectiveness in safeguarding user data and maintaining robust security standards. The award served as a testament to Rakuten Viber’s ongoing efforts to prioritize user privacy and security in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.


Continued Vigilance: Navigating the Evolving Security Landscape

Rakuten Viber’s journey towards enhancing security reflects a commitment to user-centricity and continuous improvement. From addressing initial vulnerabilities to implementing end-to-end encryption and garnering industry recognition, the platform has demonstrated resilience and agility in navigating the complex cybersecurity landscape. As threats evolve and technologies advance, Rakuten Viber remains steadfast in its mission to provide a secure and trustworthy communication environment for users worldwide.

Evolution of Viber:

A Comprehensive Overview

Platforms: Expanding Accessibility Across Devices

Viber’s inception on the iPhone in December 2010 marked the beginning of its journey in the mobile communication landscape. Over time, it strategically expanded its presence to various platforms, including BlackBerry and Windows Phone in May 2012, followed by the Android platform in July 2012. Subsequently, it extended its compatibility to Nokia’s Series 40, Symbian, and Samsung’s Bada platform in July 2012. This strategic expansion significantly augmented its user base, reaching a milestone of 90 million users by that time. The subsequent years witnessed further broadening of compatibility, with the introduction of desktop versions for Windows and macOS in May 2013, followed by a Linux version in August 2013. Notably, in June 2016, a UWP-based desktop application tailored for Windows 10 was introduced, enhancing accessibility across diverse computing environments. Moreover, Viber unveiled versions optimized for iPad and Apple Watch in 2015, extending its accessibility to a wider range of devices.

Features: Enhancing Communication Experiences

Initially conceived as a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application primarily for voice calling, Viber evolved rapidly to incorporate additional features. A significant milestone was reached with the release of Viber 2.0 on March 31, 2011, which introduced instant messaging capabilities alongside voice calling. Over time, the platform continued to innovate, introducing group messaging and an HD Voice engine to both Android and iOS applications in July 2012. As of today, users enjoy a diverse array of functionalities, including the seamless exchange of various media files such as photos, videos, GIFs, files, audio messages, and stickers, enhancing the richness and versatility of communication experiences.

Stickers: Adding Expressiveness to Conversations

In December 2012, Viber underwent a significant transformation with the introduction of ‘stickers’ to the application, adding a layer of expressiveness and creativity to conversations. This marked a pivotal moment in Viber’s evolution, as stickers quickly became an integral part of its communication ecosystem. Recognizing the revenue potential of stickers, Viber unveiled a sticker ‘market’ in October 2013, where users could purchase stickers, thereby opening up new monetization avenues while catering to user preferences for expressive communication.

Viber Out: Empowering Communication Beyond the App

Version 4.0 of Viber, introduced in conjunction with stickers, brought forth push-to-talk capabilities and the revolutionary Viber Out feature. Viber Out empowered users with the option to make calls to mobile and landline numbers via Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), eliminating the dependence on the application for such calls. This feature not only enhanced the utility of Viber but also broadened its scope, positioning it as a comprehensive communication solution beyond just in-app interactions.

Voice Support and Video Calling: Enabling Face-to-Face Interactions

With a commitment to continuously enhance user experiences, Viber introduced voice support for all Windows Phone 8 devices on April 2, 2013, further expanding its accessibility across diverse mobile platforms. A significant milestone was achieved with the release of Viber 5.0 in September 2014, which heralded the introduction of video calling capabilities. This marked a significant leap forward, enabling users to engage in face-to-face communication seamlessly within the Viber ecosystem, fostering deeper connections and interactions.


Public Accounts, Chatbots, and Communities:

Fostering Brand-User Engagement


Introduction of Public Accounts: Empowering Brands on Viber

In November 2016, Viber embarked on a new phase of evolution with the launch of Public Accounts as part of Viber version 6.5. This initiative aimed to empower brands to engage in promotion and customer service directly on the platform. Initial partners included renowned entities such as The Huffington Post, Yandex, and The Weather Channel, signaling Viber’s strategic pivot towards fostering brand-consumer interactions within its ecosystem.

Integration of Chatbots and CRM Software: Streamlining Customer Service

Accompanying the introduction of Public Accounts was the integration of chatbots and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, providing brands with robust tools for customer service and engagement. Viber leveraged Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to enable seamless integration with CRM systems, thereby streamlining brand-user interactions and enhancing overall customer experiences.

Introduction of Viber Communities: Fostering Inclusive Digital Spaces

February 2018 witnessed the introduction of Viber Communities, an enhanced group chat feature designed to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among large groups of users. With the capacity to accommodate an unlimited number of participants, Viber Communities transcended the limitations of traditional group chats, fostering vibrant and inclusive digital communities. This initiative underscored Viber’s commitment to nurturing meaningful connections and fostering community engagement within its platform.

Expansion of Group Calling and Enhanced Privacy Measures: Facilitating Real-Time Interactions

Viber further bolstered its communication capabilities with the introduction of group calling in February 2019, enabling users to initiate voice and video calls with multiple participants simultaneously. This feature enriched communication experiences, facilitating real-time interactions and collaboration among groups of varying sizes. Additionally, Viber implemented stringent privacy measures within its Communities, ensuring the protection of user privacy by concealing phone numbers from superadmins and admins, thus fostering a safe and secure environment for interactions.

Introduction of Message Statistics and Enhanced Insights: Empowering Community Admins

October 2020 witnessed the introduction of message statistics within Viber Communities, empowering Community admins with valuable insights into user engagement levels and content performance. These statistics provided invaluable feedback, enabling admins to optimize their content strategies and enhance community engagement effectively. By offering actionable insights, Viber continued to empower brands and communities to thrive within its ecosystem, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.



Key Features

Viber Initial Launch

iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone

VoIP calling


Android, Nokia Series 40, Symbian, Samsung Bada

Instant messaging capabilities


Windows, macOS

Desktop versions released in May 2013



Public beta released in August 2013


Windows 10

UWP-based desktop application in June 2016


iPad, Apple Watch

Versions released in 2015


All platforms

Added in December 2012

Viber Out

All platforms

Introduced in version 4.0 for VoIP calls to mobile and landline numbers

Video Calling

All platforms

Added in version 5.0 in September 2014

Public Accounts, Chatbots, and Communities

All platforms

Introduced in November 2016

Group Calling

All platforms

Introduced in version 10 in February 2019

Message Statistics

All platforms

Launched in October 2020 for Community insights

Business Inbox & Commercial Account

All platforms

Announced in January 2023 for brand-user interactions and engagement

AI Chat & Create

All platforms

Launched in February 2023 for user interaction and image design

AI Robot Companion Kuki

All platforms

Integrated in July 2023 for chat and interaction

Viber Plus

All platforms

Launched in May 2023 with access to paid stickers and enhanced customer service

Read Voice Messages & Invisible Mode


Released in August 2023 for text conversion and private browsing

Payments on Viber

All platforms

Launched in April 2023 for real-time account-to-account money transfers

Caller ID

All platforms

Added in April 2023 for call identification and spam warnings

Viber Business Accounts

All platforms

Announced in October 2023 for SMBs to create public profiles and engage with customers



Viber / Rakuten Viber, a prominent player in the digital communication sphere, has evolved significantly since its inception, offering a rich array of features and services to users worldwide. From its foundation by Viber Media in 2010 to its acquisition by Rakuten in 2014, the platform has continuously expanded its accessibility and functionality, becoming a staple in the digital communication landscape. With its cross-platform capabilities and seamless user experience, Rakuten Viber ensures effortless connectivity across devices and operating systems, enhancing user accessibility and convenience.

The core features of Rakuten Viber, including instant messaging capabilities, multimedia exchange options, and the Viber Out service, enrich communication experiences and cater to diverse user needs. The introduction of revenue models such as Viber Out and the sticker market in 2013 marked a strategic shift towards monetization, enabling the platform to sustain its operations while prioritizing user experience. Additionally, Rakuten Viber’s global presence is evident through its corporate headquarters in Cyprus and international offices, reflecting its widespread adoption and impact on the global communication landscape.

Despite facing challenges such as security breaches and cybersecurity threats, Rakuten Viber has demonstrated resilience and commitment to safeguarding user privacy and security. Through the implementation of end-to-end encryption and transparency initiatives, the platform has strengthened its security posture and earned recognition for its security excellence. Moreover, Rakuten Viber continues to innovate with features like Public Accounts, Chatbots, and Communities, fostering brand-user engagement and community building within its ecosystem.

By analyzing Rakuten Viber’s market share and user landscape, it becomes evident that the platform enjoys widespread popularity across various regions worldwide. With millions of registered and active users, Rakuten Viber has solidified its position as a major player in the messaging app arena, with significant penetration rates in key markets such as Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. As the platform continues to evolve and expand its offerings, Rakuten Viber remains at the forefront of digital communication, shaping the way users connect and communicate in an increasingly interconnected world.


  1. What distinguishes Viber, also referred to as Rakuten Viber, from other communication platforms?

Viber stands out as a versatile cross-platform application, offering voice over IP (VoIP) and instant messaging (IM) services. It is owned by the Japanese multinational corporation Rakuten and is distributed as freeware across a multitude of platforms, including Google Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, and Linux.


  1. How does Viber facilitate user registration and identification?

Viber simplifies the registration and identification process by associating users with their cellular telephone numbers. Interestingly, Viber is accessible on desktop platforms independent of mobile connectivity, providing users with seamless access across devices.


  1. What functionalities are integral to Viber’s user experience?

Viber encompasses a rich array of features tailored to enhance communication experiences. These include instant messaging, media exchange capabilities for images and videos, and a premium international calling service dubbed Viber Out. Moreover, users can indulge in group messaging, high-definition voice calling, and the exchange of diverse media files such as photos, videos, GIFs, files, audio messages, and stickers.


  1. How did Viber embark on its journey to monetization?

Initially, Viber operated without generating revenues during its formative years. However, the platform transitioned towards monetization in 2013 by introducing user payments for Viber Out voice calling and launching the Viber graphical messaging “sticker market.” These strategic initiatives paved the way for sustainable revenue generation while catering to user preferences for expressive communication.


  1. When was Viber acquired by Rakuten and for how much?

Rakuten acquired Viber Media on February 13, 2014, for $900 million. This acquisition marked a significant milestone for both companies and paved the way for further developments and expansions of the Viber platform.


  1. What security measures has Viber implemented over the years?

Viber has taken several steps to enhance security, including the introduction of end-to-end encryption in 2016. The company has also undergone external security audits to ensure the integrity and safety of its platform.


  1. How has Viber contributed to social causes and initiatives?

Viber has engaged in various social initiatives, including partnerships with organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and the International Federation of the Red Cross to raise awareness and support important causes such as wildlife protection and combating misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. What are some notable partnerships and developments of Viber in recent years?

Recent partnerships and developments of Viber include the launch of instant cross-border P2P payments in collaboration with Rapyd, the introduction of premium chat service Viber Plus, and the release of features like Invisible Mode and Read Voice Messages for iOS users. Additionally, Viber has expanded its offerings for businesses with tools like Viber Business Accounts.


  1. What is the market share and user base of Viber globally and in specific regions?

Viber boasts a significant user base globally, with over a billion registered users as of 2018. It is particularly popular in regions like Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and some Asian markets. Specific countries like India, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, and Serbia have shown substantial adoption rates and market shares for Viber.


  1. How has Viber adapted to regional contexts and geopolitical situations, such as in Russia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria?

Viber has navigated various regional contexts and geopolitical situations, adapting its strategies and offerings accordingly. For instance, it has responded to regulatory requirements in Russia and engaged in philanthropic efforts in Ukraine. Moreover, it has witnessed significant market share growth in countries like Bulgaria and Greece, where it is the top messaging app.

Prof. Mian Waqar Ahmad

Prof. Mian Waqar Ahmad, a dynamic force straddling the realms of academia and digital media. As a distinguished Lecturer in Information Sciences, he imparts knowledge within the academic sphere, igniting the minds of his students. Beyond the classroom, Prof. Mian Waqar Ahmad dons the hat of a seasoned blogger on, where his insightful posts delve into the intricacies of information sciences. His digital footprint extends even further as a YouTuber, leveraging the platform to share his expertise and make complex concepts accessible to a global audience. Prof. Mian Waqar Ahmad’s journey embodies the fusion of traditional education and contemporary digital outreach, leaving an indelible mark on the evolving landscape of information sciences. Explore his world at and witness the convergence of academia and the digital frontier.

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